Enjoy the good times, because something terrible is probably about to happen

Learn and work better – exercise and sleep
Anyone who moves increases blood circulation – including that of the brain. This will oxygenate it, which will help us stay focused. At least one long walk should be included every day, and at best three times a week there should be a sport unit of at least 30 minutes.
During sleep, our brain processes all of the day’s information and regenerates. Newly learned things can only be anchored in long-term memory with enough sleep. Most people need at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night to do this. Only those who get enough sleep can do something to improve their concentration in the long term.
Learn and work better – stress and breathing exercises
Stress is not only a motivation killer, all the worries and hardships of everyday life that burden us also create distractions that make it almost impossible for us to concentrate. To reduce stress, there are various options such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation. Correct stress management can also create better concentration.
Consciously letting the breath flow helps keep the brain tidy and supplies it with more oxygen, which improves concentration and reduces stress. The best way to do this is to set yourself a daily time window of around ten minutes in which you breathe deeply into your stomach through your nose and exhale again through your mouth. It’s best to sit in a quiet environment to avoid distractions.
I try to reduce my stress with exercise, especially jogging. Tell me how you deal with stressful situations and lower your stress level. To relax you can of course also read some great slogans in the list ‘Ruthless Quotes‘.