There may not be someone for you

Positive thinking – avoid toxic people
There are toxic people who, with their negativism, pull everything and everyone around them into the abyss. Always moaning and moaning. Sooner or later it will rub off on you. Avoid such people and consciously seek the presence of positive people who laugh a lot and “dance” life.
Thinking positively also means taking full responsibility for your own life. Say goodbye to the thought that you are the victim to whom bad things keep happening. You have a lot more aspects of your life in your own hands than you think! Once you understand all of this, it will be much easier for you to perceive the possibilities in a situation.
Happiness – Check Your Eligibility
Be grateful. The first point on the way to greater satisfaction is also the most effective. Those who actively look for things to be grateful for will marginalize the negative experiences. It doesn’t always have to be the big, demanding things. Make a list of 10 things that you value in your life. Gratitude means thinking in proportion: if you are more or less healthy, that should be your first point. The family of the second. A roof over your head… you understand. You will enjoy your life again.
Do you firmly believe that you are being haunted by bad luck? Especially after negative experiences, you should consider all conceivable positive aspects and options in your consideration. For example, a termination can also be the chance for a fresh start. Try not to see just black.
Do you also have a list of 10 things that you are happy about? I’ve made a positive list and I’m always happy when I look at it. And what did you put on your list? If you are still looking for positive thoughts, then check out my category ‘Ruthless Quotes‘.