The worst enemy you have is right in your head

Scientists found, on the one hand, that 90% of our worries arise solely from how we deal with problems and challenges and, on the other hand, that a good mood can in turn increase our productivity by up to 30%. So try to keep yourself in a positive mood regardless of the situation in your life. This will save you a lot of trouble and further problems.
Create goals for yourself
Often we behave like the purest dreamers. We live into the day and hope that at some point something will happen that will make us feel better, be it the lottery win, the promotion or the dream partner who suddenly shows up. A positive attitude is good, but unfortunately life is not that simple. Waiting and hoping that something great will turn out rarely leads to success. Better to set yourself real goals.
Goals that you can achieve yourself and with your own strength. Goals in which you are the doer and the decision maker and not the sacrifice, which is dependent on the course of events. The chance of being successful is a thousand times higher than that one day everything will turn out fine by itself.
Don’t make comparisons with others
Do not indulge in such mind games what you have achieved or not achieved compared to other people. It doesn’t matter where your archenemy, your neighbor or your best friend is today. They all have completely different goals and desires.
Instead, get in the habit of comparing yourself only to yourself. How have you developed or changed compared to last year or the last 10 years? How would you like to change by next year? So try not to be better than the others, but to be better than you were yesterday.
What goals have you set yourself in life? Tell me if you have reached it yet. And if you have no idea what goals you can formulate for yourself, then take a look at the ‘Ruthless Quotes‘ category and let yourself be inspired.